Why was the geographical registration of the Gürgentepe’s Çakıldak hazelnut variety started?
Many types of definitions have been made in the hazelnut selection studies carried out in our country. Despite the introduction of hopeful genotypes, our country has a rich population in terms of hazelnut genetic resources among the hazelnut growing countries. In order to reveal this richness and to identify clones with superior characteristics among the existing varieties, selection studies that will be carried out are important. If we talk about hazelnut varieties; There are varieties such as Acı, Cavcava, Çakıldak, Foşa, İncekara, Kalınkara, Kan, Karafındık, Kargalak, Kuş, Mincane, Palaz, Sivri, Tombul, Uzunmusa, Yassı Badem, Yuvarlak Badem, Yomra. Gürgentepe Çakıldağı,however, is on its way to registration.
Çakıldak hazelnut variety is mostly grown in Ordu province in our country and it is thought that the district where it grows most intensively is Gürgentepe. Gürgentepe’s Çakıldak forms a relatively small habitus and has a late leafing feature compared to other varieties. In this way, it is thought to be less damaged by spring frosts. Gürgentepe’s Çıldırdak hazelnut variety has been determined that fruit quality characteristics such as yield, whitening rate, rind fruit thickness, etc. are high. When compared to most hazelnut varieties; this variety, which stands out with its resistance to climatic conditions, is of great economic and commercial importance.
Gürgentepe’s Çakıldak differs from other Çakıldak hazelnuts with its high fruit quality characteristics such as whitening rate, thinness of the fruit shell, low number of grains per kilogram, low acidification rate, waking up 10-15 days later than other pebbled hazelnuts and being less affected by late spring frosts in this case. With these superior features, Gürgentepe’s Çıldırdak will be the most demanded hazelnut variety of the chocolate and nuts industry.